How do you use the "my projects" page?


In the "my projects" page you can manage the tender process. This page consists of a kanban board with different phases. The "active" tab contains a kanban board with the phases within the tender process ranging from qualifying a tender to evaluating an award decision. The "expected" tab contains a kanban board where you can build your forecast, so you can see when you can expect which tenders and you can ensure at an early stage that there is sufficient capacity to register for this tender. All historical tenders are stored in the "archived" tab. When a project has been evaluated, it is archived as awarded or not awarded depending on the outcome. Tenders can also be archived if they were stopped prematurely or if there were no bids.

NB! The projects in the forecast must be moved manually to the correct pipeline, this is not automatic. If you want to move a project from "expected" to "active", click on the project and change the phase on the left of the page.

The fields in the kanban board can be adjusted to your process. Please contact your customer success manager for this.

When you click on the "View" button you can select different items that will then become visible on the projects. For example, you can quickly and easily see whether the bid/no-bid matrix has been completed for the projects or who is working on this project.

You can also filter the projects by the person to whom the project has been assigned, the next deadline and type of tender.

You can create a private tender or quotation yourself via the "Create project" button. For a detailed explanation, read the article "How do you create a non-public project?".
You can export the kanban board by clicking on the three dots at the top right and then clicking "export current view"